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Financial Planning

A lot goes into financial planning, and finding the appropriate route to take can be confusing and irritating at times.  At Investors Portfolio Services, we aim to alleviate much of that challenge for you and help steer you in the right direction.

  Having a financial plan can provide a roadmap to help you meet your financial goals and provides a way to gauge your success.  In fact, according to the 2023 Schwab Modern Wealth Survey, only about a third of Americans have a documented financial plan. Of those who have a plan, 70% feel more in control of their finances and 92% feel confident they will reach their financial goals.

Here are some of the steps that we take to help ensure the plan for you meets your standards, beliefs, and that you are comfortable with it out the door. 

  • Setting Feasible, Progressive Goals: One of the most important first steps in financial planning is setting progressive goals that we work with you to achieve.  Whether you are saving for a single goal, like retirement, or need comprehensive planning and wealth management; setting goals may help you to take the necessary steps forward. 
  • Get a Sense of your Cash Flow & Emergency Planning: Analyzing your sources of cash is important in building a financial plan. With our tools like Envestnet and eMoney, you can visualize those cash flows as we prepare your plan. 
  • Work With Your Employee IRA & Employer Matching: Getting your employer to match contributions in your pension or your IRA is great first step to take when setting up your avenues of saving. 
  •  Pay off Your Debt & Invest in Your Savings: Clearing your debt as soon as possible provides more room in your budget to work on becoming financially secure. Saving money for short-term or for emergencies--as well as investing money for the long-term, that ideally can grow, is one way to manage your money effectively and efficiently.

After our first meeting, our team will put together a quality plan for your unique situation. Using tools like eMoney, we can visualize all of your assets, investments, and accounts, so you can use a comprehensive platform that tracks your finances in real time. 

This is a look at our planning tool, eMoney. This tool allows you to input, change, and follow your cash flows so that you can track your wealth in real time. With this, you are given your own online portal and comprehensive tools that allow you to custom build your profile (with the assistance of our advisors) to help ensure you get the best experience on the platform. With eMoney, you will be able to view your plan in real time, any time you like. 

1Schwab Modern Wealth Survey 2023. The online survey was conducted by Logica Research from March 1, 2023 to March 13, 2023, among a national sample of 1,000 Americans aged 21 to 75. An additional 200 Generation Z Americans completed the study. Quotas were set to balance the national sample on key demographic variables.


Financial Planning Survey