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Retirement Planning

Whether you’re five years away from retirement or 20 years away from retirement, we can help guide you through the steps to secure assets for your retirement lifestyle. Evaluating your current financial situation, we’ll identify income sources and potential opportunities that may be advantageous for you as you prepare for your life past employment.  


Your investment strategy and helping you invest your wealth so it that aligns with your objectives. Through in-person meetings and face-to-face interactions, we work with you and review your current needs and your current holdings. We ask appropriate questions to help  you receive the answers you need.  


Social SecurityUsing age, life expectancy, and cash flow needs we help both individuals and couples maximize their social security benefits
Lump Sum Pension

How good or bad is the lump sum offer? When do I break even, what is the guaranteed return? And the risk associated with the offer

Retirement Capital AnalysisUsing 10,000 Monte Carlo Simulations of market conditions and inflation we help you understand the likelihood of your savings lasting through retirement.
Long-Term CareWhat would it cost if I had a long-term stay? What would it cost to insure against risk? Both the cost of care and cost of insurance may play a big role in cash flow planning in retirement.
Debt PayoffShould I pay off my primary residence mortgage? How should I manage rental real estate? In retirement, we believe,  it is important to optimize tax liability and cash flow needs associated with debt
Asset Allocation/ Portfolio OptimizationAsset allocation is not a “one size fits all” topic. We find that many people nearing retirement are focused on decreasing their risk to help preserve capital. Risk tolerance and cash flow needs typically drive the asset allocation of a portfolio going into retirement. We look at both risk willingness and risk ability to form an appropriate  allocation leading up and into retirement.
Spousal Pension  This is an irrevocable decision that requires careful planning before signing the dotted line.

Managing and Following

Strategies to help maximize the outcome of your retirement plan
Actionable strategies with the goal of reducing debt
Strategies to maximize cash flow
Long-term tax strategies (i.e roth conversions) for consideration


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