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At Investors Portfolio Services, we strive to keep you up to date with the latest insights so that you may be best prepared to achieve your future goal.

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Market Trends Weekly

Curious what happened in the market this week? Looking for a simplified recap? Tune in each week to stay on top of what you might need to know as an investor!

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October 11, 2024 Market Update

Inflation came in a bit hotter than expected this week which led to higher interest rates. Markets also rallied on the back of a good jobs report last week. Earnings season is upon us and should guide the market the next couple of weeks. #investing #inflation

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Anomalies in the Financial Market

Market anomalies highlight unexpected results in financial markets that can be exploited for potential gains. These patterns, often driven by behavioral factors and market imperfections, challenge the notion of perfectly efficient markets and may offer unique opportunities for astute investors.

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